Get Checked.

It’s OK to be fearful of an invasive procedure.  A little fear can lead to a second opinion, maybe a better one.  On the other hand, a little fear shouldn’t keep you from getting checked at all.  Since I have no medical training, I can’t give specific advice on what someone else should do, once they find out there is a medical concern.  I can give advice on what you should do if you don’t think you have a problem, though.

If you’re 40 or older, have your physician add PSA level to your blood test at your routine checkup.  Have him do a DRE.  These simple things could catch a disease before it becomes life threatening.

If you’re in a high risk group, have this done before you’re 40.  If you haven’t had a routine physical in a while, schedule one today!

Prostate Cancer isn’t some rare disease that happens to that other guy.  It’s the second most common cancer in men and also the second leading cause of  cancer death for men.  In fact, one man in six will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.  I had no idea I had an enlarged prostate or high PSA level.  I still have no physical symptoms whatsoever.  Prostate cancer may not cause any symptoms, until it’s too late.  Don’t leave it to chance.

That’s pretty much all I have for now.  I’ve caught up on most everything I’ve learned in the last few months.  I won’t know much more about my situation until early March.  I will blog here and there as I find interesting websites or research, but probably not on a daily basis.  For now, I have not been diagnosed with cancer and I hope I can report the same in future blogs.  Thank you for reading and for your support!
