It’s been a month since my second trans-rectal prostate biopsy. Suffice to say, it is not a pleasant procedure. The side effects can be shocking, and in rare cases, even fatal. And that’s not even considering the worry about a biopsy result positive for prostate cancer. I wrote about the risks here- .
I am glad to say that I did not get an infection and that no cancer was found. The blood in my stool lasted only a day or two and even the traces of blood in my urine were gone in a few days. I did have blood in my semen for almost a month, declining from solid blood red color at first to a trace of pink after a few weeks. The worry about the results lasted a very long three weeks until I received “the call”.
One thing I do know, I have a small benign tumor or lesion in my prostate based on my 3T MRI. So, I will not be waiting another 10 years until I seek another MRI or one of the newer blood/urine tests for prostate cancer. Even though no cancer was detected, I consider myself on active surveillance. The team that did my MRI and biopsy at the NIH/NCI is advancing the technology. I’m hoping that within a few years there will be even better non-invasive tests and treatments, if necessary!