This is my personal blog about prostate health, with an initial emphasis on biopsies. It is a journal of my adventures from learning I had a high PSA level, to having various tests and procedures. Do I really need a prostate biopsy? Are there any options or alternatives to a prostate biopsy? I hope to answer these questions for myself over the upcoming weeks and months. There will also be information on other aspects of prostate health, including cancer, as I go through more testing.
The information on this blog only applies to my personal medical issues. I am neither a doctor or nurse, nor do I have any medical training whatsoever. I do know that physicians are very busy and don’t always have time to keep up on the latest treatments. I also know they can make mistakes or get stuck in a one-size-fits-all routine of treatment. If you think you aren’t getting the best advice, do some research and get a second or third opinion from a specialist or medical professional!
For information about the blog or forums, please send a private message or email to: webmaster “at” prostatebiopsyblog “dot” com. Thank you!