Last week I mentioned my PCA test results. Here is a copy of the report from Bostwick Laboratories.
I have not yet been able to find a “calculator” that gives you a risk based on your PCA3 score, as there are for PSA levels. I have found some interesting webpages and studies about results that may be of help to anyone considering a PCA3 test, because of concerns about a biopsy or repeat biopsy–
You can find a large number of other studies and research using Google. It’s pretty clear that there has been a lot of work done to see if this is a legitimate diagnostic tool. Though the test is not yet FDA approved or widely accepted as a tool for detecting prostate cancer, there are labs certified to do the test in the USA and some insurance companies already cover the cost of the test. There is clearly some value in this test, especially when used with other results in an overall effort to determine if a biopsy or repeat biopsy is needed. There is also developing evidence that this test can help determine if a prostate cancer is likely to be significant (large volume, aggressive and/or extending outside the prostate).
What does all this mean?
Well, in my case, with a relatively low score of 5.6, the risks of me having prostate cancer are probably low, but still a real possibility. It’s also likely that if I do have prostate cancer, it isn’t yet significant in terms of size or being aggressive and spreading outside the prostate.
I should know more next week, after my ultrasound.