Other Resources on Prostate Cancer and Health

Here are a few websites that have helped me.  I’ve added them to my blogroll links and hope they might help you, too:





There are also a number of smaller blogs (like mine) and personal webpages about prostate health issues that you can find on Google.  One in particular is about a man who learned he had Prostate Cancer at 41 Years Old.  A story I read with great interest, being the same age.  As for many of the others, it’s hard to recommend them individually, because it’s difficult to contact them to see who is behind the blog.  Is it a person?  Is it a company?  Is it a medical institution?  Is it just one of those fake advertising portals?  Is it legitimate?

As a smaller, non-corporate website, exchanging links with other similar websites can help generate cross-traffic and also improve your search engine placements.  That helps people find relevant information easier, a win-win-win for everyone involved in a serious health topic like this one.  I have another set of small websites on a public safety and parenting topic.  When I started, and even today, I often send an email to similar websites (even those in other areas of public health) with a request to exchange links.  They are  usually very receptive. 

I decided to contact a number of what appeared to be smaller, independent websites and blogs on topics relating to prostate health.  I not only wanted to exchange links in order to help people find information on the topic, but also just to see if there’s a real person behind the website or just an advertiser.  Perhaps for obvious reasons, some don’t even have contact information available.  Fair enough.  The majority of the rest simply don’t respond.  From my own experience, I appreciate that a lot of these requests are obviously from spammers and bogus websites and it’s easy to overlook a legitimate one.  A couple others declined, in a somewhat curt manner.  Blogroll link lists are one of the main points of having a blog, to let your readers know what blogs you read and other blogs on similar topics.  Perhaps it’s a natural consequence of anything to do with cancer or personal health, and that is very understandable, but this reluctance is an interesting observation I’ve noted already.

As with anything, make sure you are comfortable with the source of any advice you find on the internet before you take their advice.  That applies to this website also, though I try not to offer any specific advice, only what I’ve learned about my own situation.

In any case, if you have a personal blog or website on the topic of prostate health, treatments, cancer or related issues, feel free to send an email to webmaster “at” prostatebiopsyblog “dot” com in regard to a blog link exchange!  Or, leave a comment to this blog in case your email gets routed into the spam folder;-)